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Archive for the ‘APA (edition “APA 7”)’ Category

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Study Design:1. When designing a study, what are some considerations for selecting the best measure?  Why might a researcher need to tailor a measure to their participants? Participants:2. How are participants selected and what are some concerns researchers may run into with human participants? Experimenters:3. What is the role of the experimenter in a research […]

The Aging Brain

Combining internet research and critical thinking to reveal milestones and identify concerns for the aging brain, you will write an essay to demonstrate your understanding of this essential life organ. Select any two ages you would like to learn more about for this assignment.  Students may compare and contrast the brain for two different ages; […]

Perception and Self Awareness

Review concepts related to self-awareness, including The Four Selves.Consider the fact that an individual’s self-awareness combined with an individual’s perception of a situation often varies and differences in both can influence how a communication interaction transpires. Reflect on a time when you encountered different perceptions of an event or interaction. Address differences in your understanding […]

What is the role of humans in the earths landscape changes, and what effective strategies can be employed in reducing their negative impacts?

For the final assessment in this course, you will be asked to create a geoscience research paper addressing a current or topical geoscience issue of interest to thegeneral geoscience community. You will identify a research question and hypothesis that you will investigate utilizing appropriate geoscience methodologies andtools. You may use either primary or secondary data […]

Operation Anaconda

Need an analytical essay, APA 7, pg 1 is cover sheet, pg5 is references. Need in essay sources. No more than 19% cited work please. I have attached the case study for great info on the operation. Please contact me for any questions at all. It is approved for public release.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Learning is enhanced when you take time to reflect on the process. This week, you will have a journal that asks you to discuss your thoughts in relation to the topic for the unit. Your reflection and writing will help with your understanding of the content covered. Your response to this journal should be clear, […]

Developing Line-Item, Functional, and Program Budgeting Systems

Developing Line-Item, Functional, and Program Budgeting Systems Establishing and creating a budget is crucial for successful program development and implementation. Chapter 13 examines three different program budgeting systems. A line-item budget identifies all anticipated revenue and proposed expenses. Please respond to the following:1)    List and define budget categories in a line-item budget.a)    Describe the importance […]

6-1 Journal Entry

Journal: Public Health Communication Strategies Instructions Please review the following in preparation for this journal assignment: Website: Developing a Plan for Communicationhttps://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/participation/promoting-interest/communication-plan/main Website: Promoting Awareness and Interest through Communicationhttps://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/sustain/social-marketing/awareness-through-communication/main Website: CDCs Repository for Health Literacy Resourceshttps://www.cdc.gov/healthliteracy/index.html Guidance on Preparation Identify public health communication strategies used on social media sites (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). You […]


*Pornography is my topic.*Your paper must be 8-10 pages (not including title page, abstract, and reference page) in current APA format that focuses on a topic of your choice related to sexual addiction.*cite at least 7 scholarly journal articles available in the LU online library. These scholarly sources should be current (published within the past […]

Paleo dieting vs. Keto dieting

Research ProblemThe effects of COVID-19 on weight gain in women ages 35-45.The benefits of diets that are used to help remove excessive weight gain.Problem StatementWe know metabolism will slow down with an increase in age, so with diet and exercise, they can see effective results.Research QuestionHow does Paleo & Keto dieting compare in fast weight […]

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