Create two triangle classes, one where the internal properties are stored on the stack and one where the internal properties are stored on the heap. Each triangle should have a base, height, and a function that returns the area. Triangles 1: Create a vector of triangles where everything is stored on the stack. Triangles 2: […]
Archive for the ‘Software Engineering’ Category
Assembly program

Perform a program written in ASSEMBLY 486, on Linux, with the requirements indicated below Requirements: The program should ask the user for the name of the file to be read. The program opens a text file and performs one of the following operations: 1- Read the contents of the file, change the lowercase to uppercase […]
Linux Project

Objectives: To install and configure a SIP based IP-telephony server. To be introduced on some telephony features an IP-PBX can provide. To gain a basic knowledge on SIP server troubleshooting tools.Tasks:1- Install and configure a SIP based open source PBX.2- Configure, connect and test a SIP based soft phone to the installed PBX.3- Implement the […]
Python code

USER – CONTACTUser ContactBrinda has recently joined a company and she is working as a software engineer. She was associated with a project to work on relationships. To get hold of the topic she starts writing a code where she takes the details of her colleagues and displays them in an ordered way. Let’s help […]
C programming

I need to have a fully working C program, There are five data (plain text) files, namely, the students.txt, courses.txt, registrations.txt, criteria.txt, and performances.txt that keep information. Student file keeps the information about students such as the student number, name, surname, and department in abbreviated form. Course file keeps the information about courses such as […]
Simulating Cache and Virtual Memory Assignment

Tasks: 1. Download the file cache.c from the Assignment8 drop box.2. Implement code at each comment containing TODO: that performs the operation described in the comment. 3. The code includes […]
computer science

I need help coming up with a Pseudocode for my assignment. I’m trying to design a game of amazons type of game. It doesn’t have to be to difficult. Should be in C#. I just need help coming up with a good pseudocode. I’ve attached some more information on the assignment if you need it. […]
computer science

I need help coming up with a Pseudocode for my assignment. I’m trying to design a game of amazons type of game. It doesn’t have to be to difficult. Should be in C#. I just need help coming up with a good pseudocode. I’ve attached some more information on the assignment if you need it. […]
computer science

Module 6 HomeworkCyclomatic Complexity 10 points Building a Flow Graph and Calculating Cyclomatic Complexity, V(G)When you are doing white box testing, I am a strong proponent of doing cyclomatic complexity calculations and basis path testing, provided you have the time to do so. Since it guarantees complete statement and branch coverage, basis path testing gives […]

Construct a lighter and smaller Residual Network (ResNet) architecture.Train your network to perform image classication by minimizng the cross-entropy between the network’s predictionand the CIFAR-10 targets. As the training proceeds, plot the loss value and the classication accuracy on training and validation set,and choose the iteration with the least error.