Compare and contrast the lean service system found within Southwest Airlines to a full-service airline such as United Airlines, British Airways, and other large carriers in terms of cabin service, boarding process, baggage handling, and service encounters.Recommend ways for the airline carriers to improve their lean operation systems in terms of speed and quality while […]
Archive for the ‘Strayer Writing’ Category
Business Admin

Discuss whether the term “corporate entrepreneurship” an oxymoron? Can corporationsespecially large onesbe innovative? Support your answer with examples.Use the Internet to find an example of two corporate innovationsone brought about through autonomous strategic behavior and one developed through induced strategic behavior. Which innovation seems to hold the most promise for commercial success and why?
Evaluating a Corporate-Societal Relationship

Evaluating a Corporate-Societal RelationshipPreparationAccording to the textbook, the current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. In this assignment, you will be researching a Fortune 500 company from an approved company list provided by your professor. InstructionsWrite a 45 page evaluation […]
Supply Chain Management and Financial Plan

“One of the most important steps in launching a new business venture is fashioning a well-designed, practical, realistic financial plan.” (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 454). With this assignment, you are creating two important elements of a financial plan: an Income Statement and Balance Sheet. You also are preparing an outline of a presentation of […]
Analysis on Food Security

Analysis on Food SecurityOverviewThe members of the United Nations found great value in the analysis you provided on the effects of global warming that result from population growth. They are now asking you write an additional analysis to include further issues related to population growth. Here is the issue they have asked you to consider: […]
Creating an eCommerce Business

With this assignment, you have the opportunity to take your creative ideas to the next step and begin to develop a strategy that will form the foundation for a successful business. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Develop an idea for a prospective small business, and select a name for […]