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Archive for the ‘APA (edition “APA 7”)’ Category

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Respond to the prompts below Do you think it is fair for companies to have to compete against prison inmates for government work?  Why or why not? Do you think prisoner employees should have any of the benefits other workers have?  Why or why not? Biblical insight: Select one bible verse that relates to this […]

Discussion Post Ad

6-2 Discussion: Ad to Promote Healthy Behaviors In your post, you will choose a public health trend that you think requires intervention, select a theory and ecological level from this modules resources that you think applies to the trend, choose an image that you think would be effective to use in an advertising campaign, and […]

childhood cancer

include the following: A thorough understanding of the topicA critical assessment of all questionsAt least two differential diagnoses, if applicableAt least two pharmacologic treatment modalities, if applicableA well-developed treatment planA thorough patient education planThe body of your paper needs to be 3-4 pages long. This does NOT include the title page and reference page. Papers […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analysis of Healthcare News Article: https://www-proquest-com.mutex.gmu.edu/docview/2308345706?accountid=14541 Answer the following questions. Each question should be answered with several sentences. Total word count for the assingment should be at least 300 words. Give a summary of this article.Who is the intended audience ? Why do you think that?What was your initial reaction to the article?What is the […]

Applying Health Psychology

https://www.learnpsychology.org/health-psychology/ https://www.apa.org/action/science/health/education-training ://www.apa.org/ed/graduate/specialize/health Health psychology can be applied in numerous settings. Whether you are a health clinician, a leader within an organization, a daycare provider, a parent, or a licensed psychologist, understanding how ones health can affect ones psychological well-being is an important area for consideration. Based on your goals, address all of the following […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Letter Address this letter to whomever you choose.The letter must outline your forecasted completion of your degree and summarize your experiences and psychological knowledge gained. In addition, discuss your strategies for successfully receiving your degree.Must be formatted as a personal, but professional, letter to a friend or family member. degree completion is june 2021

Goal and self-worth reflection

Before beginning this journal, Select a quote from someone that you believe embodies your values, goals, self-worth, etc.For example: Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience. (Denis Waitley)In your journal, Include the quote you chose.Explain why this quote is meaningful to you and […]

Interpersonal Attraction

Please read the PowerPoint in attachment and then include a brief description of the concept and a description of your application/reaction/integration. You could:– Use a theory to make sense of your thoughts, behavior, or emotions.– Reference a movie/tv show/book and illustrate how a topic in this course was related to a scene, character, or the […]

Advancement in Research Findings; Staying Up-To-Date in Your Field

For this discussion, you will complete two parts: Part 1 Identify two major topics associated with child and adolescent psychology and summarize what you have learned about these topics.Identify two majors topics associated with industrial/organizational psychology and summarize what you have learned about these topics.Part 2 Using the topics from Part 1, choose one and […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

First Page 1.What role does the Institutional Review Board (IRB) play in research and why is it important? 2.Watch this video on Watson and Rayner’s “Little Albert” experiment.  What ethical issues does this raise? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMnhyGozLyE 3.What might have been the response of the IRB if Watson and Rayner had submitted this research for review? 4.What […]

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