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Archive for December, 2021


It is the year 1501,  Imagine you are a member of the Tano family living in Jamaica.Write a letter to your cousin in Hispaniola explaining how the Econemida System has affected your life. In your letter explain1. What the Encomienda System is2. The role of your Encomendero and the family to resist the Encomienda System


PLEASE WRITE FULL PAGE NO TITLE PAGE Discuss dietary concerns and barriers for an older adult to maintain appropriate nutrition levels. Identify the types of concerns and barriers they may encounter. Include two client teaching and nursing interventions for prevention of nutritional deficits as well as the consequences of inadequate nutrition and hydration.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.) Lab tests confirm the presence of HIV antibodies in Zanes blood. Briefly describe why there are antibodies present. 2.) Briefly define autoimmunity and immunodeficiency in your own words. Which of these conditions is Zane more likely to develop? 3.) HIV is a retrovirus. Briefly describe how a retrovirus is different from other viruses. 4.) […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is your first post about art and critique! Choose something that you think is critical, for better or worse. Please post by Wednesday, and respond on Thursday or Friday.InstructionsInitial post: Open the discussion board, and create a thread for yourself in your group. Post a link (or an image, and so on) to some […]


PLEASE WRITE 2 PARAGRAPHS EACH QUESTION As an individual entering into a healthcare profession, you will need to be able to interact with patients about this issue. In your post, address the following questions: 1.) How would you address a patients concerns, fears, and/or worries about vaccinations? 2.)What scientific research would you utilize in your […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Questions:1. What does John Ogbu mean by voluntary minorities and involuntary minorities, and howdo these terms relate to immigrant minorities and non-immigrant minorities?2. What, according to Ogbu, are the implications of the different minority types in terms ofvariability in educational attainment (school performance) and why? Do you agree?3. What does Ogbu say about autonomous minorities […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Guidelines: 300 -500  word summary Formatting Requirements: Use 12-point Times New Roman or Arial fontUse double line spacing in the document1-inch margins all around Overview of Taste The difference between taste and flavor http://youtu.be/UY3bfj8mRcM (Links to an external site.)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Guidelines: 300 -500  word summary Formatting Requirements: Use 12-point Times New Roman or Arial fontUse double line spacing in the document1-inch margins all around How do you smell? Greg Foot in association with Febreze Head Squeeze http://youtu.be/AbusJuQ44PA (Links to an external site.) Human scent tracking http://youtu.be/gHJzh9ghBwk (Links to an external site.)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Purpose:  Consider the definition of learning offered by Hilgard and Bower: Learning refers to the relatively permanent change in a subject’s behavior to a given situation brought about by his (or her) repeated experiences in that situation, provided that the behavior change cannot be explained on the basis of native response tendencies, maturation, or temporary […]


Answer both questions use devote 825 words to each question Question 1) List and discuss the five pillars of Islam. How does the Hajj affirm the other pillars of Islam? Discuss how the pillars of Islam accentuate orthodoxy and orthopraxis in Islam. Question 2) Discuss the salient issues in Pre-Islamic Arabia. How did Prophet Muhammad […]

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