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Archive for December, 2021

applied psychology in the professions

Write a 3-5 page paper that discusses one aspect of applied psychology (applied behavioral analysis, counseling psychology, sports psychology, industrial and organizational [I/O] psychology, legal psychology, or human factors psychology).Imagine you are applying for a researcher’s position in the psychological services department at a large health care organization. You are among three finalists for the […]

applied psychology in the professions

Write a 3-5 page paper that discusses one aspect of applied psychology (applied behavioral analysis, counseling psychology, sports psychology, industrial and organizational [I/O] psychology, legal psychology, or human factors psychology).Imagine you are applying for a researcher’s position in the psychological services department at a large health care organization. You are among three finalists for the […]

Mood Board For Sony Prodcut

Prepare a mood board for the brief below according to the explanations Brand: Sony Product: Bravia XR Technology TV Target Auidence: High SES (socio-economic statue), well educated, different interests. Media: Social media advertising campaign P.S. Dont forget, mood board is kind of inspiration board which gives some qlues about the visual consept and ambient of […]


After completing your initial post, read and reply to two of your classmates entries each week.The discussion board is a place where we extend the conversation to connect and give greater depth and meaning to our learning. Students are expected to post and respond to discussion boards in a thoughtful and coherent way.  You will […]


After completing your initial post, read and reply to two of your classmates entries each week.  The discussion board is a place where we extend the conversation to connect and give greater depth and meaning to our learning. Students are expected to post and respond to discussion boards in a thoughtful and coherent way.  You […]

research paper on a topic relevant to the field of Health Information Management

For this assignment, you will compose an original (by you and never used in another class) 3-5 page (about 750-1250 words) research paper on a topic relevant to the field of Health Information Management. In other words, you will be researching an area/issue we have covered in the course materials, or can be found in […]

Risk Management Plan

Based on the information in BrightSource.pdf and follow the Risk Management Plan Template.docx instruction to complete sections 2.3-2.4. Detail name of the section:2.3 RISK ANALYSIS2.3.1 Qualitative Risk Analysis2.3.2 Quantitative Risk Analysis2.4 RISK RESPONSE PLANNING Use the files I have uploaded for references. Following are the specific information that can help with the project case:Pritchard: Chapters […]


PLEASE WRITE IN APA FORMAT 7 PLEASE LIST ALL REFERENCES Create an outline of your project (1 page). The outline should only contain topic headings and a brief description of what it will cover. See the link below for an APA formatted outline. Remember that your outline will be a guide as you write your […]


+ Find an online article/story with a religious angle.+ Explain what the primary religious issue is.+ Cite previous stories/articles that are related to the original one (see ifthere are links to previous or related stories)+ Does this have to do with :-An individual or small number of people?-A larger number of people (i.e. a congregation)?-A […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Follow this format for this short paper introducing the team you will analyze for your final paper.  Feel free to simply answer these points.  Paper should be no more than 1-2 pages double spaced. Introduction:         What was the team composition (how many members, ages, gender, ethnicity/race, position in organization)         Setting in […]

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