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Windows operating systems./ Database Management

Please write the paper using the following instructions based off the topic below Windows Operating Systems Microsoft provides several types of operating systems for client PCs and servers. 1. Windows 10 2. Windows 2008 for servers 3. Later versions of Windows server The project involves two parts: (1) written report in MS Word and (2) PowerPoint slide preparation. Each student must search and identify an operating system or operating system related topic. Submit the topic to the instructor and get it approved. Then enter the topic in the project forum. Collect materials on the approved topic, read the materials, write a report in Word according to the given document layout guidelines and prepare a PowerPoint slide presentation. There is no page limit or number of PP slides. What is important is to cover the materials in depth. As a suggestion, the written report to be around 5 pages (all inclusive), single spaced using New Times Roman font with size 12. Number of pages is only for guideline. If one submits more pages, it is acceptable. The PowerPoint slides and the written report should be emailed to the instructor on or before the due date by attaching the files in one email. Please let me know if you are able to complete the powerpoint as well.

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