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HSC 110: Unit 2 Written Assignment (50 points)Name:Directions: After reviewing the unit chapters, complete the following questions. College-level writing is requiredSupported your opinion with current research (published articles; webpage links are notpermitted).Cite researched content for each question (APA format)Minimum word count for entire document is 250 words.1.Carbohydrate and amino acid balance (Chapter 2) – A person you know is following a diet composed primarily of carbohydrates. Explain in detail:a.The dietary importance of amino acids and proteins2.Nutrition and Fatigue Prevention (Chapter 4) – After finishing a grueling marathon, a runner exclaims, Whew, I think Ive used up all my ATP! Explain in detail:a.Is this possible?b.Why?
View as Text / 1 HSC 110: Unit 2 Written Assignment (50 points)Name:Directions: After reviewing the unit chapters, complete the following questions. College-level writing is requiredSupported your opinion with current research (published article