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Tony Horowitz Paper HISTORY

The first paper, 3-5 pages in length, is on Tony Horwitzs, Spying on the South: An Odyssey Across the American Divide. The questions you need to ask as you progress through the paper are: What prompts  Horwitz to follow Frederick Law Olmsted’s antebellum journey into the South? What does Horwitz hope to find on his journey? What similarities does Horwitz find to Olmsted’s journey into the South? What differences does Horwitz find to Olmsted’s journey into the South? What does Horwitz learn from his experiences on his journey in the South, and what does he feel they tell us about the differences confronting the nation today? This paper is due April 11. (Citations from the book are required!)

Please footnote and cite all your sources! Students will be required to use Chicago Manual of Style for your footnotes or end-notes. Other methods will not be accepted! Each of these papers will demonstrate your ability to take a position on a subject and present evidence to back up your argument. Clarity of thought in developing your argument is also essential, so think through your topics carefully. Also, punctuation and proper usage of language will be graded.

You can access an example of Chicago Manual of Style at this site:


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