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Sports management

Explain similarities and differences between modern and ancient sport tourism. What were these early facilities used for (cite specific examples); what were the challenges of running these facilities; discuss important historical developments and the countries credited with these discoveries and their impact on sport (lighting, etc.,); and explain the reasons that have prompted the explosive growth of modern sport facilities. Finally, explain the structural modifications facility managers and architects had to create to facilitate spectacles such as live naval battles for mass entertainment at the ancient Colosseum.

There is a great deal of competition to host mega sporting events. Obviously, this is because sporting events can be catalysts for a variety of positive outcomes, both economic and non-economic. Sporting events can draw participants, spectators, coaches, and officials who generate revenue through local spending on lodging, food, and entertainment. Communities often create sport commissions to attract and assist sporting events. To ensure that the best possible site is chosen, event organizers often put their events up for bid. To win a bid, sport commissions must be able to create bid documents showing not only how they meet the needs of event organizers but also how their location or host organization may be more attractive than others. As head of the Miami Sport Commission tasked with preparing a bid to host the a national or global sport event in Miami (you choose the event), you have been asked to prepare a draft of a bid document. Please include and explain the mixed-use and multiplier effects that may result from hosting a mega event at a Miami, Florida stadium or arena.

The planning and implementation of a sporting event is a complex process because of the numerous stakeholders involved. Staffing the event is a key component of the planning process, and a number of tools such as organizational charts, Gantt charts, event rundowns, scripts, and production schedules can be helpful to event planners. Understanding the functional areas of event management such as operations, guest services, marketing, concessions, merchandising, scoreboard operation, and hospitality is also a key component of effectively staffing and managing the event. In addition to full-time staff, key personnel for a sporting event often include outsourced workers, volunteers, and part-time workers. One of the most important parts of an effective staffing plan is to align the qualifications, motivations, and abilities of these personnel with your needs in terms of the job descriptions. Event planners are often required to attend meetings and must serve in leadership roles. During these times, the event planner may assume a transactional or transformational leadership style. In addition, event planners are always working toward developing a highly functional team that will effectively plan and implement the event. Communication with staff during the process may entail direct interpersonal communications along with the use of social media and on-site communications such as two-way radios.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) 2021 Summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan.  1) Explain the timeframe of planning behind this event.  2) Describe the organizational structure along with an organizational chart for this event. 3) Analyze factors that must be accounted for when staffing this event. Are volunteers needed?  How should you recruit/train them?  4) Explain various tools that might be utilized in scheduling staff.  5) What might be outsourced at this event?  6) Discuss IOC methods for communication, and various forms of social media that is and will continue to be utilized to promote this global event.  7) Explain the budgeting process for this event, where is the money coming from and how is it being used?  What is the expected cost of this event?  8) Who will be the sponsors of the 2021 Summer Olympics, and what mutual benefits will be received?

The planning and implementation of a NCAA Regional Championship event can be a complex process because of the numerous stakeholders involved. Who are these stakeholders? Also, the primary issue in planning an event is determining its purpose. Goals provide a framework for managing an event. Staffing the event is a key component of the planning process, and several tools such as organizational charts, event rundowns, and production schedules like Gantt charts can be helpful to event planners. Please explain. Understanding the functional areas of event management such as operations, competition, guest services, marketing, and presentation are also key components of effectively staffing the event. In addition to full-time staff, essential personnel for a sporting event often include volunteers and part-time workers. One of the vital components of an effective staffing plan is to align the qualifications, motivations, and abilities of these personnel with your needs in terms of the job descriptions. Please explain how you would plan and implement a NCAA Regional Championship game

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