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Sherlock Holmes

Compare/Contrast essay


Length: ~750-1,000 words (not including quotes).
Format:  MLA standards, 12pt font (Times New Roman or Courier New), DOUBLE-SPACE!!! (papers that are not double-spaced will receive a 15% penalty). NO COVER PAGE.

Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80gidiItm1k&t=2s

Reading:  PDF Document under files

Structure: Your essay should follow the standard college compare/contrast essay structure as discussed in class, that is to say an Introduction (with a thesis), two or three Body Paragraphs (each of which compares or contrasts an element from the book to its counterpart in the film), and a Conclusion. If you use any books or websites other than the short story as research, you should include a citation and reference at the end of your paper. If you need info on using MLA format, visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

Topics: Discuss how up to three of the following elements are presented in the book, and compare them to how they are updated for a modern audience in the BBC adaptation starring Benedict Cumberbatch. Make sure to discuss the book and film equally, and to analyze how these changes affect the story or our understanding of it.

1.    Dr. Watsons background
2.    The clues at the murder scene
3.    The killers profession
4.    The final showdown between Sherlock and the killer
5.    The reasons for the murder


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