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rough draft

This is the rough draft for your final paper. Please try to have most of the work completed for this. No, it’s not expected to be perfect, but keep in mind that the closer you can get to a finished product here, the more feedback you’ll get 🙂 You will be assigned a peer reviewer/reviewee the morning after the deadline. Please complete the peer review within about 48 hours, so that the reviewee can have time to take your suggestions into account and work on getting their final submission in before the last minute.

Please use the following list of questions to help you review and comment on your peers’ papers.

1. What is the paper about? What/who is the monster or group of monsters?

2. What is the argument the author is making about this monster? What is the thesis statement? (This should be something of a statement about the monster’s rhetorical purpose and/or something about how that purpose has (or has not) changed).

3. What evidence does the author use to support the argument? Movies? Comics? Legends? Scholarly analysis?

4. Does the author describe what audiences the monster targets?

5. Are there sufficient sources referenced to help make the argument? How does the author use sources?

6. Do you see evidence of in-text parenthetical citation? Is every source attributed?

7. Is there a title? Does the title help the reader understand the paper topic and argument?

8. Does the reader move smoothly through the paper from topic to topic? Describe the logical flow of the paper.

Please follow these steps for submitting this draft:

Submit your complete DRAFT to this portal by 11:59pm Monday, April 26th
Return to this portal anytime after 8:30 am Tuesday and select the Review Icon on the right side of the assignment portal to retrieve peer papers to review.
Complete your review of the paper by 11:59 pm Thursday (see above for further instructions on completing your peer comments)
Retrieve your feedback from this portal anytime thereafter (though you may get it earlier, if your reviewer is quick).

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