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Research Paper Annotated Bibliography

Basic Information
Topic/Focus: Finding and Analyzing Library Sources

Length: Varies; 500+ words

Materials: PC or Mac; Word processing software (MS Word, Google Docs, iWork Pages, Open Office)

Types of Sources: Your annotated bibliography and research paper must use library sources. If you do not use library sources for the annotated bibliography, you will earn a zero on this activity.

Submitting Your Work: When you are ready, please upload your work as a .doc or .pdf. Name your work LastName_TitleofAssignment
Step Two: Choose Your Sources
As you search look for the following types of sources; you can find one of each of these or a combination of these types:

Criticism on Genre
These are literary critical sources that make a general comment about some feature or quality of the genre to which your author belongs.
Criticism on the Author
These are literary critical sources that make a general comment about the collective body of work of the author or director of the literary text you are analyzing.
Criticism on the Work(s)
These are literary critical sources that comment on the work you are analyzing.
Criticism on Theme
These are literary critical sources that comment on the abstract topic or the theme of the literary text you are analyzing.
Step 3: Write Your Annotated Bibliography
At the top of your annotated bibliography, include a copy of your latest thesis statement. Then, answer the following for each of your four sources:

For each source, write an entry that contains the following:

Citation in Proper MLA Format (If you do not cite your sources, you will automatically earn a zero on this assignment and will have to resubmit your work)
Ensure your citations follow MLA documentation faithfully. You can use the “cite” button in the database where you find the source, but keep in mind that this is not always accurate/correct. Double-check your work. If citing from the library catalog, be sure you click on the actual source to access all the information you need to build your citation. See the librarys MLA Citation pageLinks to an external site. for how to cite your sources. See the following link for how to create a hanging indent (Links to an external site.) which is part of formatting a source in MLA.
For more help, use the Purdue OWLs section on citing an electronic source (Links to an external site.).
Search Strategy
Briefly explain how you searched for the source. Which database did you use? What search strategies did you employ from the conducting research lesson?
Source Annotation
Write an annotation that includes answers to all of the following questions. The entire annotation must be written in your own words. It may not be copied from the abstract or any other description, and it may not include direct quotations from the publication itself. The annotation should include in PARAGRAPH form:
Describe the source’s main idea and supporting evidence. This should be a summary of the article. Explain the author’s main argument regarding your creator or literary work. Explain the supporting evidence (primary and secondary sources–literary work and works about the literary work) the author uses to support his or her interpretation.
Discuss new ideas or information this source provided you with regarding your primary source (story, poem, or film), literary theory, or genre.
With a clear introductory signal phrase, include one direct quote or paraphrase from the source and comment on how that quote impacts your understanding of the work and how you might incorporate it into your paper. Cite the quote or paraphrase correctly in MLA format.
Explanation of how the source will support your claim. How does this source relate to your topic

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