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Powell Assignment English 6A Annotated Bibliography

Your Assignment
For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography of potential sources for the research paper you will draft for Assignment 7a: Paper 3 – Research Paper/Peer Review.

vc_icon_steps.png Steps
1. Complete the assigned readings for this unit. Also review the Annotated Bibliography Instructions  download and Paper 3 – Research Paper  download for an understanding of what is expected of your final research paper.

2. Using GALILEO (Password is loom) (Links to an external site.), Google Scholar (Links to an external site.), AndyCat (Links to an external site.), and/or a search engine of your choice, identify ten sources and save them to your computer for later use, making sure your sources include the following:

At least one academic/literary journal article accessed through a database in GALILEO, in addition to the one provided by the instructor
At least one Encyclopedia entry accessed through a database in GALILEO
At least one from the textbook or other literature provided in the course. 
3. Review the Sample Annotated Bibliography Entries  downloaddocument.  Review additional MLA style annotated bibliography shere (Links to an external site.), but note that they are different from ours. 

4. Create an Annotated Bibliography adhering to MLA formatting, listing the sources alphabetically by last name (or title, as appropriate). Under each source, include the following:

An evaluation (based on the sources abstract or your previewing) of the sources contents and usefulness in answering one or more research questions
One quotation from the source, with an in-text citation, identifying which research question it answers
One paraphrased idea from the source, with an in-text citation, identifying which research question it answers
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome On Time Submission
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
MLA formatting, required amount of sources and the required annotations.
90 pts
Full Marks
More than the required number of sources, with requisite annotations OR superior source quality and annotations.
70 pts
Meets all requirements.
60 pts
Below Average
Does not contain the required number of sources, or annotations. Significant errors in formatting.
90 pts
Total Points: 100

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