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Political/Regulatory Nurse Practitioner Topic Paper, Elevator Speech

This assignment involves research and identification of a political or regulatory topic affecting the profession of the Nurse
The goal of this assignment is to:
Make the student aware of important topics that can have either a negative or positive impact on the Nurse
Practitioner profession.
Use critical thinking skills to problem solve these issues and identify steps that can be taken to lead to effective
resolution or to influence change.
To cultivate skill in asserting a position succinctly and persuasively
To complete this assignment the student will write a paper (three to four pages APA format), record an elevator
speech using the media tool in the discussion board, and critique classmates elevator speeches on the
corresponding discussion board:

Paper Components
1. Problem and Implications
Identify one current political or regulatory issue pertinent to the NP Profession.
Examples for political issue: http://www.aanp.org/legislation-regulation/advocacy-center
Example regulatory issue: Improper medication disposal at your workplace
Describe the topic in detail
What is the issue?
How did it develop?
Whom would/does it affect?

2. Proposed Solution
Discuss ideas for resolution or ways to influence change.

3. Supporters or Opponents of Proposed Solution
Who supports it/opposes it?

4. Steps to Advocate
How would you implement your proposed solution?

Elevator Speech
1. Prepare an elevator speech about the political or regulatory issue you wrote your paper on.
This speech should be a maximum of 100 words.
This website from the Pepperdine School of Business will provide guidance in helping you to
prepare your speech. Although the directions refer to an elevator speech to market business
ideas, it contains many good tips applicable to appropriateness for your audience,
synthesizing your ideas, and finalizing your speech.

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