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Meditations on First Philosophy, and Aristotles Nicomachean ethics by Robert C. Bartlett

I need 4 different papers written answering these prompts citing the book with stanzas and page number within the paragraphs

Philosophy Prompt 8
In MEDITATION TWO of his Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes discovers a truth that is absolutely certain, that cannot be doubted to be true in any way whatsoever. What is that truth? Explain the argumentation/process of reasoning that Descartes uses to reach this truth. Finally, explain why this truth cannot be doubted to be true, and so it must be true with absolute certainty. (Depending on how you explain Descartes’ reasoning, your two explanations may be a bit redundant, so don’t worry if they are.)

Philosophy Prompt 6

In his Nicomachean Ethics, Book Eight, Chapters 2-4 (VIII.2-4), Aristotle describes the three kinds of friendship. Name the three kinds of friendship, explain the nature of each, and explain their relations to one another.

Philosophy Prompt 4

In his Nicomachean Ethics, Book Two, Chapters 4-6 (II.4-6), Aristotle explains the nature of moral virtue. First, provide that explanation. Second, note that in Book Two, Chapter 9 (II.9), Aristotle refines this general account of virtue with a more nuanced picture that shows it to be a much more involved and difficult perfection to achieve, such that the virtuous person succeeds in hitting five targets perfectly. What is this more nuanced picture, and what are those five targets that are perfectly hit when a person succeeds in acting virtuously?

Philosophy Prompt 2

In his Nicomachean Ethics, Book One, Chapter 13 (I.13) and in Book Two, Chapter 1 (II.1), Aristotle gives an account of the human soul.  Provide that account.  A full answer will include an explanation of:  the souls parts, the functions of the souls parts, the relations of the souls parts to one another, the perfections (or virtues) proper to the souls parts, and how they are acquired.

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