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Maya Angelous poems

This paper is a research paper that covers Maya Angelous three poems Caged Bird, Phenomenal Women, and Still I Rise. The paper will be under the theme throughout her poetry, it can be observed that Maya Angelou utilizes the theme of power. This paper must include 15 quotes from a quote chart which I have created and five quotes directly from the three poems, meaning 20 quotes total. You are not analyzing the poems in the paper, you are relying on the analysis of other literary critics from the sources which I have used in the quote chart. These quotes can be direct quotes or paraphrased quotes, I would prefer mostly paraphrase quotes unless its from the poems themselves. The quotes must be cited. Also, you cannot quote the entire poem within the paper. In the conclusion you will over your own brief analysis of the poems and you can discuss how the works really to real life. Do not use the first person in this paper, it should be presented in third person, objective voice. There are three topics with in the paper, and each topic should have three paragraphs. Topic one is background information on Maya Angelou. Topic to is the theme of power in Caged Bird. Topic three is the theme of power within phenomenal women. Topic for the theme of power within still I rise.

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