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Instructions for Job Training Needs Analysis Worksheet

Purpose: To make up a step by step sequential training checklist for each aspect and function of a job. In essence to reflect the TASKS (job duties and responsibilities of the job analyzed), KNOWLEDGE factors (what a person needs to know in order to perform/do the job tasks), and SKILLS (what the person must be able to do in order to demonstrate performance competency of a job task or responsibility).

Knowledge Factors: What must a person KNOW in order to perform this job in a safe, safe, timely and proper manner?

Performance Factors: What must a person BE ABLE TO DO in order to demonstrate he/she can perform (CAN DO) this job in a safe, timely and proper manner.


Operating Procedures: Sequential steps of a job – breakdown into steps. What the employee does. What procedures/steps are followed? List skills needed to perform the tasks.

Equipment: Identify tools, machines, devices, equipment used to perform job; what is it used for, how is it used, when and why used, skill needed tp perform task, knowledge required, plus awareness of any potential safety and health hazards, special procedures, etc.

Nomenclature: Terms and words used in a job/workplace – explain what they mean.

Forms: What forms, documentation or records are used or kept – purpose, information recorded, when, where, how used, who? What is done with completed documents information?

Quality: Potential quality problems/discrepancies – how to avoid, what to do if encountered, special procedures, specifications and their importance, quality matters and responsibilities. How to determine if materials, parts, items, etc. are of good quality when received. Gauges, instruments, methods used for checking and testing your work.

Safety and Housekeeping: Identify all potential accidents and hazards in job, how to avoid or minimize potential hazard exposure, safe operating procedures, personal protective equipment (ppe) used, housekeeping responsibilities.

Material Hazards: Identify and list any chemical and/or materials used in job and known potential hazards plus any SPECIAL HANDLING PROCEDURES.

Additional Factors: Any not listed above or other training and procedures related to job. Examples: customer service, recycling procedures, waste disposal, inventories, customer products and use, time card records, etc.

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