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Health Care Reform and Equity: Promise, Pitfalls, and Prescriptions,.

In Health Care Reform and Equity:  Promises, Pitfalls, and Prescriptions, Kevin Fiscella describes the causes of health care disparities.  He argues (in 2011) that the current health care reform activities (i.e., the passage of the Affordable Care Act) offer a unique opportunity for a more equitable health care system.  He further states health care reform that includes elements from six health care domains:  access, primary care support, enhanced health information technology, new payment models, a national quality strategy informed by research, and federal requirements for health care disparity monitoring are the keys to increased health care equity.  He cites several promises, pitfalls, and prescriptions in the six domains that can impact health care equity, ultimately deciding that these, along with effective implementation, improved alignment of resources with patient needs and revitalization of primary care can effectively produce a more equitable system.  Choose two (2) of the health care reform domains and thoroughly discuss whether and how the promises, pitfalls, and prescriptions Fiscella provides dilutes or enriches the biblical worldview of public and community health.

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