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Free Healthcare

The topic will be about the arguments of free healthcare. You will be writing a Full-Content-Outline on the pros and cons of free healthcare. This is not a regular essay, you just need to write an outline. I uploaded pictures with examples of the outlines. Just use those examples and follow them. You will be making a full-content-outline (FCO #3) for presentation #3 to advocate, to influence, to persuade.

1.  Learn to organize your thoughts and ideas in a logical way that listeners can understand
2. Define and discuss a topic or issue using the “two-sided” approach to pro and con
3.  Plan and prepare a “to advocate” presentation where you present either the affirmative (pro) or negative (con) side
4.  Identify and justify your “side” (pro or con) with evidence, facts, examples and supporting materials
5.  Compose a speech outline (full-content/full-sentence) that has the 3 main parts of a presentation:  introduction, body, and conclusion or CCTA (clear call to action).
6.  Research two-sides of an issue with the “opposing views”
7. You are to use at least 3 sources or references

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