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My fields are Communications and Sociology

Guidelines for Major Ideas in Discipline Paper

Please write about two pages about the history and major ideas in your field(s):

A range paper: includes foundation of fields within a consistently engaged and engaging piece of writing, which is well-organized, developed and includes citations.

B range paper: includes foundations of field(s), but does not create a consistently engaged and engaging piece of writing.  Organization and development may be inconsistent.

C range paper: includes some information about fields, but does not fully address the topic of the paper.  Is consistently not engaged, engaging, organized or developed.

Example Research for Paper:

Major foundational ideas therapy.  Interest in music Plan to go to graduate school to get certified as music therapist.

Psych minor + music (VPA cluster)

In this case, researching music therapy and the foundational ideas from that field is enough.  It would be somewhat irrelevant to provide big historical ideas from psychology and music separately.  If your areas do not blend together in this way, please investigate each area separately.

Music Has Always Been used as a soothing and even medicinal force.  This has been documented in Ancient Greece and Medieval Times. 

The connection to happier times and immediate positive emotional reaction to music made it an important part of soothing wounded soldiers as early as World War 1 when musicians were hired to work at Veterans Hospitals.

Professionals who have psychological counseling backgrounds and music backgrounds can use both to plan and carry out music therapy sessions with individuals.


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