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Food Microbiology

Requirements for the Research Paper: Summary
Seven to nine pages, double spaced.

Research topic in form of a question.
Main body of your topic: To be divided into main heading and subheadings
VERY IMPORTANT: Do not directly quote any sources even if you give the authors name. Digest the information and provide it in your own words and then cite the authors as source for the information.
Discussion: Provide your personal reflection on the chosen topic
References (At least eight separate references and the corresponding in-text citations for your paper. Four of these references have to be from peer-reviewed journals).

Follow the APA format.

Examples on how to correctly place in text citation examples:
The information in this sentence is correct (Knapp, 2020). Note: Single author, no first name initials and the period comes after the in-text citation.
Actually, a mistake was made during the interpretation of data (Knapp and Pank, 2020). Note: When two authors contributed both last names are given.
This work was carried out by many different scientists from all over the world (Knapp et al., 2020). Note: When more than two authors contributed to the work et al., is used. et al., is latin and means and others.

Examples on how to correctly list the references
References need to be sorted in alphabetical order.
JOURNAL ARTICLE (online, from an Internet database)
Kavangh, K., Absalom, K., Beil, W., & Schliessmann, L. (1999). Connecting and becoming culturally competent: A Lakota example.  Advances in Nursing Science, 21(3), 9-31. Retrieved March 26, 2001 from ProQuest/Nursing Journals database.
JOURNAL ARTICLE (online, on a web site)   
Outbreak news. (2001, February 23). Weekly Epidemiological Record, 76(8), 57-64. Retrieved February 28, 2001 from http://www.who.int/wer/pdf/2001/wer7608.pdf
Ulrich, T. (1997, September 22). Linking an Amish hereditary disease with cerebral palsy, a pediatrician challenges a dark inheritance. Time, 150(19), 30-33.

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