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Final Paper

This assignment asks you to analyze a text telling a story at the intersection of business,
law, and culture. The text you select may take any form (e.g., film, podcast, longform
article) and may be either factual or fictional. Your goal is to consider how these stories
are told and received. Questions you might ask include: What messages are
communicated about the goals or conduct of business activity? Who is revered or
celebrated, and who is condemned? What interests are legitimated or validated? What
interests are characterized as inessential or irrelevant? What tactics or strategies are
perceived as acceptable for achieving a given ends?
Text Selection: Wolf on Wall Street
check plot
summaries on IMDB or a similar resource if youre unfamiliar with items on the list. You
are not required to obtain approval for your topic, but consultation is welcomed.
Although you may organize your essay to your own satisfaction, you should ensure it
includes the following components:
1) A summary of the story your text tells. This section of the essay should be
quite brief; 1-2 paragraphs maximum. You will need to carefully select the
pieces of information included in your summary. Consider whether each detail
adds something essential to the story you are telling. Make sure you
contextualize your story, particularly if it is focused on a time period other than
the present.
**Excessive summary / inadequate analysis is the most common mistake
students make in cultural analysis essays. After youve written a first draft,
carefully consider how much of your essay is narration, summary, or background
information, rather than analysis and edit accordingly.
2) Background information on the creation of your text. This section of your
essay should also be brief (probably not more than one paragraph,) and might
include an explanation of how the author/creator came to this topic; in what
context the text was created and into what context it was released; or how it was
3) Identification and explanation of the authors argument (or some portion
thereof.) What is the author trying to say or communicate about the story he/she
is telling? This claim should be thoroughly developed and supported by
evidence from the text.
4) Your own argument about the authors argument. Again, this claim should be
thoroughly developed and supported by evidence from the text.
**Most of your essay should be devoted to completing list items 3 and 4.
Formatting & Citations
Your essay should be approximately 1000 words long. Please double-space and insert
page numbers; make responsible choices regarding font size, spacing, & etc.

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