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does your policy address safety, quality, or improved outcomes of care for patients?

Resource needed as well:

Patient safety and quality of patient care are the focus of some of the largest changes within health care. IHIs Triple Aim initiative, as well as the Joint Commission and QSEN, are aimed at improving both the safety and quality of health care. This Assignment gives you the opportunity to focus on your chosen policy issue for the Position Paper and to explore factors that adversely impact quality and safety.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review the health care policy that you selected in Week 1.
Analyze your selected policy in relation to patient quality of care and safety.
Relate your policy to IHI Triple Aim initiatives (found in the Resources).
Examine the Assignment rubric for additional information and guidance.
Write a 2- to 3-page paper utilizing the health care policy you selected in Week 1 and 2.
Respond to the following prompts:

In what ways does your policy address safety, quality, or improved outcomes of care for patients?
Does your policy do an effective job of addressing the issue? Why or why not? Be specific and use examples.
Explain the role of the nurse in addressing the quality and safety standards within your policy.
Based on your assessment of the effectiveness of your policy on patient safety and quality of care, as well as your research from Weeks 1 and 2, what position do you plan to take in your Position Paper (which is due in Week 5)? Be specific on your viewpoint and reasoning.
Support your position with scholarly references in addition to weekly resources.

Show Descriptions
Required Content
Analyzed ways the policy addresses safety, quality, and/or improved health outcomes related to the Triple Aim initiatives.–

Excellent 23 (17.69%) – 25 (19.23%)
Proficient 20 (15.38%) – 22 (16.92%)
Basic 18 (13.85%) – 19 (14.62%)
Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 17 (13.08%)
Required Content Analyzed the effectiveness of the policy on patient safety or quality of care.–

Excellent 23 (17.69%) – 25 (19.23%)
Proficient 20 (15.38%) – 22 (16.92%)
Basic 18 (13.85%) – 19 (14.62%)
Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 17 (13.08%)
Required Content Evaluated the role of the nurse in patient safety and quality improvement.–

Excellent 23 (17.69%) – 25 (19.23%)
Proficient 20 (15.38%) – 22 (16.92%)
Basic 18 (13.85%) – 19 (14.62%)
Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 17 (13.08%)
Required Content Determined an initial position on the policy based on an assessment of the effectiveness on patient safety and quality of care.–

Excellent 23 (17.69%) – 25 (19.23%)
Proficient 20 (15.38%) – 22 (16.92%)
Basic 18 (13.85%) – 19 (14.62%)
Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 17 (13.08%)
Academic Writing Expectations (AWE 3) 4000 Level “Displays sentence and paragraph level skills: Constructs simple, complex and compound sentences; Writes without spelling, grammatical or syntax errors; Writes without sentence fragments or run on sentences; Uses punctuation appropriately; Writes appropriate introductions and conclusions. Demonstrates essay level skills: Cohesion and flow by using transition sentences; Precision, clarity and academic tone; Awareness of discipline specific audience. Displays academic expression: Scholarly voice: evidence of the students own ideas with a well-organized presentation of evidence; Synthesizes resources by using own words; Uses evidence from course learning resources, scholarly resources and seeks additional resources to support content as required in the assignment; In addition to course resources, writer uses at least two articles that discuss cost effectiveness and cost controls. “–

Excellent 14 (10.77%) – 15 (11.54%)
Proficient 12 (9.23%) – 13 (10%)
Basic 11 (8.46%) – 11 (8.46%)
Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 10 (7.69%)
“APA Formatting: cover page, title of paper on second page, level headings, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″” margins, and page numbers. APA References: Uses in-text citations appropriately and format correctly. Paraphrases to avoid plagiarizing the source.
Reference list is in alphabetical order, hanging indent, double spaced in format. Each specific entry contains all information required by APA format including author, year of publication, title of publication, pages, DOI, website, as appropriate.”–

Excellent 14 (10.77%) – 15 (11.54%)
Proficient 12 (9.23%) – 13 (10%)
Basic 11 (8.46%) – 11 (8.46%)
Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 10 (7.69%)

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