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Discussion Question Response 8

Please Respond to the Question 1&2.

This is what I wrote:

Workplace ethics refer to the morale principles that guide an employee in executing a given task. The skill is adopted in various companies and has become a requirement for fulfilling the operations of an organization. For the company and personal prosperity, consistent ethical comportment has to be adopted and maintained by all the personnel of an industry.
Reliable ethical conduct is an empowering factor in the workplace that could open doors to numeral opportunities. It is a requirement for all employees of an organization to portray professional ethics to create a healthy working environment. Active workplace ethical conduct is enhanced through encouraging integrity in the workforce.
The first step to maintain integrity is by leading as an example. Organizational leaders should become an example to their subordinates to foster good attributes. Integrity is a component of ethics that deals with honesty and honor to moral principles. Employers have to depict dedication in their work and show determination when faced with challenges. According to Imani (2016), transparency enables the employees to identify admirable qualities of an individual that they may want to adopt. Through transparency and integrity, employers help their personnel in the realization that perfection is a myth but trying to improve is much more worth the effort.
The second factor of integrity that have to be maintain is realness. In order to become a better worker with admirable ethical conduct, an individual has to have realistic visions and goals. Building false hope affects performance in work and damages a persons self-perception. Having genuine goals improves personal development and efficiency in work deliverance.
The third factor to be encouraged is persistence. Employees should show persistence in their endeavors in order to show potential and determination in their operations. Persistence also leads to personal development since it involves acquiring of knowledge and skills (Imani, 2016). With persistence, transparency and reality, reliable integrity is enhanced contributing to the success of the operations of a company.
Imani, F. (2016). How to Keep Positive Integrity in the Workplace. Retrieved April 26, 2021, from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/keep-positive-integrity-workplace-15990.html.

1. Respond to this: S

The course was opened with our Personal Values Assessment. My ten values selected represent awareness and common good both are values and beliefs I live by (Barrett Values Centre, 2021). The values most important to me are represented by an (*).

Compassion *
Competence *
Continuous learning
Fairness *
Humor/ fun
Professional growth *
Wisdom *
*represents the top 5 values that are most important to me.

Understanding our personal value system increases our self-awareness of what motivates us. As a result, how we feel about ourselves and our work influences how we treat others. Therefore, indirectly having a positive impact on stakeholders. 
Throughout the course, standard qualities of ethical behavior were a constant theme of discussion. Business ethics comprises principles, values, and standards that guide behavior in the workplace, such as integrity, accountability, and trust. According to Jana Crafts, The Impact of Mission on Ethical Business Culture, ethical behavior is deemed correct by society. Moral behavior can be thought to be an individual choice between right and wrong (Craft, 2016).

Offer content on how you were empowered to be an ethical professional and your plan to maintain professional integrity in the workforce.
In alignment with Saint Leo Core Value of Respect – value all individuals unique talents, respect their dignity, and strive to foster a commitment to excellence in our work (Mission Statement & Core Values | Saint Leo University, n.d.).
The fundamental values of the human services profession are respect, honor, advocacy, integrity, honesty, and objectivity to Clients; to Colleagues; to the Profession; to the Public and Society; to Employers; and to Self. 

Responsibility to Clients
STANDARD 7:  Human service professionals ensure that their values or biases are not imposed upon their clients.

Responsibility to the Public and Society:
STANDARD 10: Human service professionals provide services without discrimination or preference in regards to age, ethnicity, culture, race, ability, gender, language preference, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, or other historically oppressed groups.

Responsibility to the Profession: 
STANDARD 28: Human service professionals seek appropriate consultation and
supervision to assist in decision-making when there are legal, ethical or other dilemmas.

Responsibility to Self:
STANDARD 35 Human service professionals strive to develop and maintain healthy personal growth to ensure that they are capable of giving optimal services to clients. When they find that they are physically, emotionally, psychologically, or otherwise not able to offer such services, they identify alternative services for clients (NOHS, n.d.)

My goal is to apply the ethical theories learned in the course and my personal and professional development skills learned throughout my professional and academic career. I am determined to live by the golden rule to do unto others. As a human service professional, to be a light of hope for others. My goal is for the stakeholders with whom I engage to leave feeling better than before our interaction. 

Craft, J. L. (2016). Common Thread: The Impact of Mission on Ethical Business Culture. A Case Study. Journal of Business Ethics, 149(1), 127145. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-016-3034-9

Ethical Standards for HS Professionals. National Organization of Human Services. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from https://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals#public
Mission Statement & Core Values | Saint Leo University. (n.d.). Saint Leo. Retrieved February 28, 2021, from https://www.saintleo.edu/mission-core-values

National Organization of Human Services. (2016). Ethical Standards for Human Service
Professionals. Retrieved from: http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals
Squazzo, J. D. (2011). Ethical wisdom: doing the right thing, every day, everywhere in the organization. Healthcare Executive, 26(3), 302.

2. Respond to this: W

My course engagement this term was extremely enlightening and packed with valuable information that I will utilize in my future as an ethical professional.  Prior experience with NonProfit Organizations and this tremendous learning experience of these past weeks play an integral part in my having more understanding and clarity of NonProfit Organizations and the relationship with ethical professionals.  The course design, very thought provoking I found to be excellent in its blueprint of delivering information.  The self assessment provided me with clarification of identity, an opportunity for self inventory and evaluation, a reawakening awareness of my strengths and areas in which improvement will undoubtedly enhance my being grounded and well informed and knowledgeable as a future ethical professional and leader.  The ESHS, SLU Core Values and organizational operations I found to be innately aligned. The NOHS (2015) STANDARD 26 expresses HS professionals quest for training and education and other measures an ethical professional is expected to accept responsibilities for as a leader in an organization. STANDARD 30 references continuous development of ones profession through various methods for advancement as well as advocacy and other participation in associated activities.  Responsibility to Self edifies accountability of personal actions.  STANDARD 34 establishes individual acknowledgement of the impact and effects of actions that will affect others.  STANDARD 35 reflects on maintenance of healthy personal growth for optimal effect.  STANDARD 36 assert HS professionals are committed to lifelong advancements, seeking knowledge and improving skills to enhance the organization and ultimately being most effective to clients served.  Having gained a clear understanding of the Mission Statement and Core Values of Saint Leo University, (n.d.).  I realize my personal core values are also in alignment.  Integrity and Respect, have always been a huge component of my understood core ethics and values, as well as being reflective of my moral compass. Taking these courses are without a doubt solidifying my foundation and  enhancing my quest for knowledge, growth and preparation for the challenges and opportunities as an ethical professional.  I will maintain personal and professional integrity in the workplace through continuously moral grounding and being steadfast in my personal set of ethics and values while upholding core values set forth by the organization. 


Mission Statement & Core Values | Saint Leo University. (n.d.). Saint Leo University (April 26, 2021).  https://www.saintleo.edu/mission-core-values

National Organization for Human Services (2015). Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. Responsibility to the Profession.Responsibility to Self.


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