Instructions: Read the course materials for this week to include Chapter 10 of the Hugos textbook and the Week 6 lesson. Select a company with global/international shipping and receiving operations using our online library and/or Internet. The 3-4 page paper should include the following:
1. State the purpose and background of the company.
2. Discuss the role(s) of the company within the retail supply chain. Hint: Include a diagram of the retail supply chain. An example is provided on page 20 of the Hugos textbook.
3. Discuss the shipping and receiving operations of the company. Hint: Include a diagram of the operations using a process flow. An example is provided on page 166 of the Hugos textbook.
4. Identify 3 possible problems or issues you see in the companys operations.
5. Discuss 3 solutions to these problems or issues.