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creative activities pinterest board project

In this two-part course project, you will curate resources and ideas appropriate to children up to age 8 related to the themes of Art, Movement/Music, and Dramatic Play/Puppetry using Pinterest. Pinterest is a knowledge curation tool where users pin Internet links onto boards. Your completed board can be used to support professional teaching practice in the early childhood classroom, with focus on supporting learning in the classroom, collaboration with families, and diversity. In Part 1 (due Unit 2), you will create your assignment board in Pinterest, create three folders and add 1 pin to each folder. In Part 2 (due Unit 7), you will complete your Board by curating pins for each folder and write a reflection about your completed collection of resources and ideas.

In this two-part course project, you will curate resources and ideas appropriate to
children up to age 8 related to the themes of Art, Movement/Music, and Dramatic
Play/Puppetry using Pinterest. Pinterest is a knowledge curation tool where users pin
Internet links onto boards. Your completed board can be used to support professional teaching practice in the early childhood classroom, with focus on supporting learning in
the classroom, collaboration with families, and diversity. In Part 1 (due Unit 2), you will
create your assignment board in Pinterest, create three folders and add 1 pin to each
folder. In Part 2 (due Unit 7), you will complete your Board by curating pins for each
folder and write a reflection about your completed collection of resources and ideas.
Part 1: Art, Movement/Music, Dramatic Play/Puppetry Folders (due Unit 2)
1. If you are new to Pinterest, read this page to learn the basics.
2. Pinterest Account
Use your existing Pinterest account or create a Pinterest account at
3. Login to Pinterest and create a board titled CHS201 with three folders named:
ECE Movement/Music
ECE Dramatic Play/Puppetry
(Note: optionally, you can make your board a secret board that is visible only to
those with whom you share the link. https://help.pinterest.com/en/article/secretboards?source=secret_create).
4. Get started pinning resources/ideas
CHS201 Creative Activity
Creative Activities Pinterest Board Project Instructions If needed, review the help resources on how to pin.
How to add a pin from the web
How to add a pin from Pinterest
5. Pin one (1) appropriate resource or idea in each topic folder (the remainder of
your required pins will be due in Unit 7).
Submit your CHS201 Board link in Unit 2: Creative Activities Pinterest Board
Project Part 1. To obtain the link, open your Board, copy the web address/link
and paste it in the Assignment submission Comments section (please test your
link to make sure it opens and displays your Pinterest Board).

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