Please do not write about BOMBA MUSIC that was the topic of the first paper submitted.Below are instructions from the professor, I attached few videos that he posted so you can choose a few/all or find something extra related to the topic. You can write about one or several of those videos, videos from our […]
Archive for the ‘times new roman, double spaced 12 pt’ Category
Latino, Spanish music

Below are instructions from the professor, I attached few videos that he posted so you can choose a few/all or find something extra related to the topic. You can write about one or several of those videos, videos from our lessons on Blackboard and/or pick your own videos.2 pages. You watch the video or videos […]
The American Experience to 1877

The American Experience to 1877Term Paper (100 points) The purpose of this paper is to combine historical research with your own original analysis of history. In this paper, you will compare and contrast the lives and legacies of two American presidents from the period 1789-1876. You will write a 5-page (minimum) paper in 12-point font […]
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) Your task is to write a 2 page review of the film. You are to explain what you got out of watching the film without writing about the plot Your review should tell a story with an intro, body and conclusion. Two full pages, Times Roman 12 Point Font, Double Spaced submitted as either […]