After reviewing Appendix C of Hands-On Database, use Visio to re-create one of the E-R diagrams provided in Appendix F of Database Design for Mere Mortals. Please note that the symbols used in Visio are not identical to those used in Database Design for Mere Mortals. You should create your diagram using symbols with similar […]
Archive for the ‘Database design and optimisation’ Category
Scenario Activity

Vince Roberts runs a vintage record shop in the University district. His shop sells 45s, LPs, and even old 76 RPM records. Most of his stock is usedhe buys used vinyl from customers or finds them at yard sales and discount storesbut he does sell new albums that are released on vinyl. For a couple […]
Transaction control procedure

Transaction control*** Create a stored procedure with the following requirements: Accept input that identifies the customer, the ISBN for one book, and the quantity being ordered. CHALLENGE — try this for two books instead of one Create an ORDER record that reflects today’s date as the OrderDate. Create […]
GIS Database Management Assignment 1

I only need questions 6 & 9 finished. As part of question 4, I used FME workbench to import the tables needed for question 6 & 9 (tblcity & tblstate) into Oracle SQL Developer. I’m supposed to do questions 6 & 9 in Oracle SQL Developer. So as long as I can copy & paste […]
team project

The project charter is already done, just uploaded it so you know how it started off as. The presentation slides from slide 37 to 40 are the only relevant ones ignore the rest. In slide 39 all you have to write about is “Detailed Communication Strategy” and “Consideration of the impact of GDPR” You don’t […]
Designinga Relational Database

Step 1. Understand the specification of the problemRead the following paragraph carefully. Multiple times, if necessary. Then follow the process we learned in Lab 2 to annotate the primary terms and actions. Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States. Basketball tournaments consist of games between two teams at various stages […]
SQL design and implement

2. Design a database that will be used to store information for an IT Consulting Company that provides services for client organizations as well as purchases and resells equipment (servers, desktops, software, routers, etc.) to clients. Ensure that you diagram thetables, columns / datatypes, and table relationships.3. Create the database and tables from the previous […]
Database designer needed for creating an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Hi there, I need todevelop an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) of songs on albums for popular music from 1950 to 2000. Please see the complete details of the project below: Please note that this has to be done in the Stanford style of E/R modeling. Thank you 🙂

The following are the tables and data in the ITCO630_A database: Using the sample database, write the scripts in a file called ITCO630_P3.SQL to create the following views. Remember to include a USES clause at the top of the script file to use the ITCO630_A database. Also include code that checks if the view already […]
Design and implement a database to store personal trainer booking.

Design and implement a database to store personal trainer booking for a gym and client/server software system in Java to interact with the database. The client program should have an intuitive user interface to add, remove and manage bookings. The server program should allow multiple clients connect at the same time and interact with database […]