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Archive for the ‘Social Sciences’ Category

The Struggles within Motherhood

My Input:The purpose of this paper is to analyze the social construct of motherhood and how it oppresses women in families. This paper argues that patriarchal structures reproduce the oppression of women through the ideology of motherhood. The sub-issues would be; patriarchy and the separation of the private and public spheres, the unpaid labour (including […]

reading logs

The purpose of this assignment is to give you a structure for completing the readings in a thoughtful and timely fashion. Reading logs are required for the readings that are NOT in You May Ask Yourself. You need to complete these for any assigned films listed as well. You will find this assignment to be […]

reading logs

The purpose of this assignment is to give you a structure for completing the readings in a thoughtful and timely fashion. Reading logs are required for the readings that are NOT in You May Ask Yourself. You need to complete these for any assigned films listed as well. You will find this assignment to be […]

Research Paper sociology

Part 3 of the Honors Project: Completed Research PaperThe goal for Part 3 of the Honors Project is to complete the entire research paper (approximately 10-12 pages in length), along with the list of references (6-8, in addition to our online course text, if applicable). Here is what your submission for Part 3 of the […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Instructions.1. No outside sources. Refer only to the book in your analysis.2. Use at least ten citations drawn exclusively from the book throughout your reaction paper, and cite page numbers in parenthesis3. No block quotes. Use your own words to write a coherent eight to nine-page sociological essay about Half The Sky. The questions below […]


Find one research article in a sociology journal.  Examples of suitable journals include: American Sociological Review, Sociology of Education, Sociological Spectrum, Sex Roles, Sociological Inquiry, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Sociology and Social Research, Social Forces, Social Problems, and Demography, among many others.  You may also select articles from certain interdisciplinary journals such as […]

Situational/Transitional Anxiety

The role that situational/transitional anxiety situations can have in heightening ones sense of death anxiety is introduced in this chapter. Identify an example of a situation in which you experienced a major transition of some sort that resulted in feelings of losssuch as leaving home to go to college, the ending of a significant relationship […]

Marriage and Family

Many Americans claim to believe that “love is blind” and that romance can spring up anywhere, as long as two people have chemistry. however, argues that Cupid’s arrow is largely aimed by society. What social factors play into the mate selection process? Explain. Then, do some research on how other societies view and practice love […]

How technology affects children’s social skills.

Length: Minimum of 1000 words. The instructor will give you comments on the first draftand let you know if you need more development beyond 1000 words.Format: APA  7Sources: Four sources All of your sources must be from scholarly journals or credible trade journals.No sources can be from popular journals.Please use only four sources. Please do […]

Logic Model

Assignment # 2: Program Evaluation Logic Model (Due week 9) 20% of final grade As you have learned through your course readings and classroom discussion, logic models may be used as a valuable tool in both the planning and evaluation of programs. For this assignment, you will create a 1- page logic model, which will […]

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