What has been learned about the personality, attitudes, and concerns of death educators, counselors, and other service providers who work with terminally ill people and their families? Be specific. What else would be useful to know about the characteristics of death educators and counselors that we do not yet know? Explain how this information could […]
Archive for the ‘Social Sciences’ Category
Death Themes

What is the history of death themes in lullabies from medieval times to the present? What are the death themes you have noticed most commonly in the music most frequently heardand how would you explain their popularity? Also include a brief analysis of a music video with death themes present. Identify as many death themes […]
M3: Class Toolbox Discussion

M3: Class Toolbox DiscussionNo unread replies.No replies.InstructionsThis module’s class toolbox discussion will focus on taking a closer look at mezzo and macro practices. Your assignment is to interview and (if possible) observe a professional social worker working with groups or communities or within social action to gain some insight into their practice experiences and how […]

You will write a literature review of your own on the topic for your final paper. Remember, your literature review must do more than just summarize the information. A literature review discusses previously published information about a particular topic or issue in order to accomplish one or more of the following tasks: show readers what […]

Stigma as a Devalued Master Status: Living with a Spoiled Identity for a DayBackgroundThe sociologist Harold Garfinkel notes that there is a ritualized, taken-for-granted quality to much of oureveryday social life. The rules that govern much of our interaction and conduct are informal and almostinvisible. Each of us has internalized an understanding of what is […]

Objective: To examine the power of groups to influence our behavior.Instructions: Objectively examine group dynamics within the workplace, family, classroom or while shopping. Describe the different types of groups you see (at least two groups must be discussed) and identify the characteristics (at least two characteristics) associated with the groups you have identified.Successful completion of […]

Briefly discuss the argument. What is the point that Mills is trying to get across?What are the strengths and weaknesses of his arguments? In other words, what does Mills do well and what are the shortcomings of his argument? (at least one of each)How does this particular argument engage with the article How to Think […]
Online Discussion Questions and Ideas Module 2

Online Discussion Questions and Ideas Module 222 unread replies.33 replies.Physical, Psychological, and Pharmacological Effects of Substance Use Feel free to continue taking a conversational but professional tone in your postings. Remember the specification from the syllabus on these discussions. We read about pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles and the chapters concerning alcohol and then non-alcohol sedative […]

What suggestions would you make for improving current policies around child poverty?

Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – https://essayshark.com/blog/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement-to-make-it-clear/). Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text […]

Raymond Moody

What are the primary defining characteristics of the NDE as first identified by Raymond A. Moody, Jr.? What did Kenneth Rings studies find about the age, sex, and economic status of people who had NDEs? What did Ring and subsequent researchers discover about the self-reported effect of NDEs on the people who had them?