The task is to write an argumentative essay. Use the tools and tricks that you’ve picked up over the last five weeks and avoid the pitfalls. First, do some research. Consider evidence for both possible answers to the question – yes or no. Formulate a thesis. Then, make an outline before you write your essay.One […]
Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category
Is an online degree as good as a degree obtained in a traditional classroom setting?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Complete the reading of Plato’s Euthyphro before beginning the assignment below. This assignment contains three components. You must complete all three components to receive full credit. Paraphrase and explain the Divine Command Theory (as it is expressed in Plato’s Euthyphro or in a more general form). What is the dilemma Socrates poses to Euthyphro about […]
Pragmatist theory of meaning

What is the pragmatist theory of meaning? In light of this theory, how would a pragmatist explain the meaning of wine? In light of this theory, why would talk about God be meaningful whereas talk about my friend Harvey, the seven-foot-tall invisible, silent, flavorless, intangible, and odorless rabbit, would not?
What is Thomas Nagel’s account of sexual perversion? Provide two criticisms of Nagel’s account.

What is Thomas Nagel’s account of sexual perversion? Provide two criticisms of Nagel’s account. To answer this question you must first explain Nagel’s account of sexual desire (250 words). This will require explaining his “Romeo and Juliet” example and its importance. Then you should explain how Nagel determines if something is a sexual perversion. Give […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

kindly, read the two questions below and answer them in a more critical way. Pt 1: How does Plato define erotic love in the Speech of Aristophanes in Symposium? Using Sobles concept of the basis of love, explain whether the love in the Speech of Aristophanes is e-type or a-type. [Notice the instructions say explain. […]
Should we allow people to become “guinea pigs” for the pharmaceutical companies?

useful pointers: – the subjects or “guinea pigs” don’t get paid enough to be risking their lives or health– if side effects or death occurs, pharmaceutical companies are not held responsible since subjects sign a consent form– a lot of people do this for a living and pharmaceutical companies take advantage of them
Should we allow people to become “guinea pigs” for the pharmaceutical companies?

useful points: – the subjects or “guinea pigs” don’t get paid enough to be risking their lives or health – the drug can cause negative side effects and the compensation does not make up for them – if side effects or death occurs, pharmaceutical companies are not held responsible since subjects sign a consent form

Name two reasons why Socrates says that he is not afraid to die at the hands of his peers.What were the crimes he was accused of committing? In what ways does his fearlessness of death relate to what he says about philosophy? (Hint: One thing you could talk about would be his claim about the […]

Virtue ethics is the integration of personal and professional life. A person could not act one way at home and a completely different way in public. What might the integration of personal and professional life look like, and how can we apply it within the relationships that are the foundation of business? To answer this […]
Ethical Issues in Biometric Technology

Part 3: Writing a Policy Paper:Building on the research you conducted for the annotated bibliography, write a paper of 1000 to 1200 words discussing the ethical issues related to your selected technology that are occurring now or will likely occur in the future. Make sure to include relevant findings from the scholarly sources you used […]