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Archive for the ‘Health Care and Life Sciences’ Category

Discuss financial factors that influence health care today

1. discuss financial factors that influence health care today.2. include funding sources3. include reimbursement methods4. include economic factors5. include business influences6. include cost containment and the role of the nurse.7.  some questions to consider when writing the paper– is there a relationship between socioeconomic status and health/health outcomes– is health care a right or a […]

6-1 Journal Entry

Journal: Public Health Communication Strategies Instructions Please review the following in preparation for this journal assignment: Website: Developing a Plan for Communicationhttps://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/participation/promoting-interest/communication-plan/main Website: Promoting Awareness and Interest through Communicationhttps://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/sustain/social-marketing/awareness-through-communication/main Website: CDCs Repository for Health Literacy Resourceshttps://www.cdc.gov/healthliteracy/index.html Guidance on Preparation Identify public health communication strategies used on social media sites (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). You […]

3 Minute Step Test – Lab Report

1. Introduction-Give background information on the topic of your experiment(3 minute step test); write about what is already known about the heart rate and the effect of physical activity on the heart rate in the research literature.-What is left unanswered and what is the significance of your experiment?-What are your goals (objectives)? The aim of […]

in defense of food

What is the obvious problem that is being overlooked with respect to diet that Pollan discusses the second session of Part 2 titled “The Elephant in the Room”? Do the issues presented in part 2 of IDF affect your life? How sodirectly,on a daily basis, or more generally? Now or sometime in the future? What […]

care coordination

1.  What impact does effective care coordination have on quality and or cost outcomes? Do you think that care coordination can reduce hospital readmissions, improve quality of life, and curb health care expenditures? Provide examples from your clinical experience and research findings. or 2.  How is care coordination evaluated for effectiveness? Do you believe that […]

Discussion 1

Discussion  part 1 You will engage in discussion forums throughout the term in order to build a community with your classmates and display comprehension of course material. During this discussion, you will explore what an ideal society might look like. Instructions What makes an ideal society? What are some components that create a society? (Ideas […]

Prin of Epidemiology for Public Health

ormer President Trump began taking a drug that supposedly could prevent Covid-19 after exposure to the coronavirus in Spring 2020, but there was little research to support this claim: https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/18/politics/donald-trump-hydroxychloroquine-coronavirus/index.html Now, a randomized controlled trial (RCT), the gold standard of study designs, has proven that hydroxychloroquine does not prevent Covid-19. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2016638?cookieSet=1 A RCT is “considered […]

Voluntary Accreditation

Voluntary AccreditationNow that your Vila Health hospital has a robust compliance program and an all-staff compliance training program in place, senior leaders want to take the next step. They want the organization to perform an in-depth analysis of the benefits of voluntary accreditation. Senior leaders know the Joint Commission accreditation it currently possesses is good […]

Nurse Refuses To Give CPR, Senior Dies: Ethical Problem Or Legal Issue?

Read the article below. Identify at least THREE ethical issues found in this case. Research, explore, and present them addressing related ethical, legal, psychological, financial, societal, and financial concerns. Address any pros and cons, benefits and potential detriments aligned with facts in the article. Have there been similar cases? Be specific. Avoid the first-person use. […]

Voluntary Accreditation

Voluntary AccreditationNow that your Vila Health hospital has a robust compliance program and an all-staff compliance training program in place, senior leaders want to take the next step. They want the organization to perform an in-depth analysis of the benefits of voluntary accreditation. Senior leaders know the Joint Commission accreditation it currently possesses is good […]

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