Hi I need help in severe weather analysis research. I made interviews ( I will send to you later ) about severe weather event. I want to write about ( what you thought about your interviews, your research ideas that evolved over the semester, and your interpretations of the data you collected from the interviews. […]
Archive for the ‘Engineering’ Category
Design Calculation and Materials Selection of theOuter Cylinder of aMainLanding Gear Shock Strut for Boeing 747-500Aircrafts

This is a team assignment. I only need an introduction and main paragraphs, four pages in total. Please follow the instructions. The essay needs to focus on the related issues mentioned in the instructions. It is very important to provide justifications for your design calculation and material selection by providing the right equations, examples, figures, […]

One of the primary interests of this course has been to explore more explicitly the topic of architectural discourse and to prompt you to formulate your own position. The topic of your essay can be a reflection on a particular point of view expressed in the essays.Try to move it beyond simply a statement of […]
Human Factors

Research some past accidents and reference where suspected or demonstrated lack of pilot skills was the major human factor in the cause of that accident and why you believe that situation evolved. (Not including the MCAS accidents). Discuss what your recommendations would be to improve the situation.
reflection paper 3

(minimum 750 words; no maximum) Philosophers of Technology have often argued that technologies are value-laden rather than being merely value-neutral. One reason for thinking so is because the act of building or making always presupposes value-judgments about what we think is worth building or making in the first place. Put another way, what we make […]
Design Report

This will be the final report of all the projects. There are specific stuff descriptions that should be done on this report is on the rubric and my friends message. It should be about the simplify website and recipe card section from previous reports. Please refer to previous reports for specific content.
Design Report

This will be the final report of all the projects. There are specific stuff descriptions that should be done on this report is on the rubric and my friends message. It should be about the simplify website and recipe card section from previous reports. Please refer to previous reports for specific content.

A half-wavelength dipole is parallel to and a distance h above an infinite perfectly conducting ground plane as shown in Figure 1. You are to investigate the effect of the standoff height h on radiation characteristics of this antenna. Please describe the steps required in the following.a) (10 points) Determine the expression for the array […]
Aerodynamic Characteristics of C-172

Write a 1,000-1,500 word research paper on the unique aerodynamic characteristics of your favorite aircraft(C-172). Your paper should not discuss the capabilities of the aircraft unless these capabilities pertain to the aircraft’s unique aerodynamic design. The topics addressed in the Dole text provide specific aerodynamic areas to address as they relate to your chosen aircraft. […]
Write a 5-6 page fictional story illustrating an aspect of one or more themes.

Theme 1: Your career future Theme 2: Its a big world out thereGlobalization and outsourcing of engineering workEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion in EngineeringHistory of African Americans in Engineering and Tech.Global Health and EngineeringBIPOC – Black and Indigenous People of Color Theme 3: Engineering of ethical agentsRobotics in Sci-Fi: what lessons should be learned?Ethical autonomous agent […]