The project should be divided into two sections: (1) Your leadership today (2) Your leadership development plan. When discussing your current leadership, I recommend discussing preferred leadership styles or models, based on those we discussed in class (situational leadership, multi factor leadership, servant leadership, just to name a few) . You may also discuss your […]
Archive for the ‘Engineering’ Category
Any topic (writer’s choice)

Create an informative Executive Summary paper based on the article When conducting your review and preparing your report, be particularly focused on: Identifying significant / current technological issues / problems Understanding the technical aspect of the issues / problems Understanding the impact of the issues / problems on society Understanding ways that […]

Historically, the urban locations and urban design have been impacted by the changes intransportation. Discuss how the advent of “hyper loop” transportation, being twice as fast as jetsand less than the cost of buses, could change commuting to work and urban design.

describe the dilemma and situation in the provided case and give your take on it and best solution. I need to make a PowerPoint slides from this description, so if you can organize the summary in a way to make it easier for me to put into slides I would greatly appreciate it Here is […]
Assembly Language ALU Computer Architecture LOGISIM

**You must know Assembly Language and how to create an Arithmetic Logic Units (ALU) for a CPU in Logisim the free program Logisim is included in the uploaded files it ends in .jar** **You must be extremely proficient in AMERICAN ENGLISH. You must have EXTENSIVE experience in creating Digital Logic Circuits, Arithmetic Logic Units (ALU) […]
Howe Bridge Truss

Table of ContentsSection A Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………..3Section B – Bridge Design Description…………………………………………………………………………………3B.1 – Designs Considered During Brainstorming……………………………………………………………………………3B.2 – Detailed Description of Final Design ……………………………………………………………………………………3B.3 – Design Specification Table …………………………………………………………………………………………………3B.4 – Bridge Diagram…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4Section C Bridge Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………………….5C.1 – Description of Analysis Process…………………………………………………………………………………………..5C.2 – Member Force Table (with Factor of Safety) ………………………………………………………………………..5C.3 Method of Failure…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5C.3 Scale Drawing of […]
Is Humanity too dependent on technology?

As we approach the end of the semester, your final major essay for this class is an exercise in argumentation. At its core, argument is about making rhetoric real and tangible in the world. This is not necessarily an exercise in writing a research paper, but rather a moment where you start to imagine your […]
How can chip formation simulation reproduce reliable results through the use of different material models?

Machining is the most important production method for processing metallic materials. The process is accompanied by a large number of interactions. In order to be able to understand and analyze these, they are mapped by machining experiments, thus generating a comprehensive under- standing of the process. Besides experiments, chip formation simulations have also become estab- […]
computer technology

watch the video: How do The Yes Men as artist/pranksters use the internet? What is the objective of their work? What did you think of their methods for inspiring corporate/institutional change? Answer all these qustions.
Any topic (writer’s choice)

Background: Climate change has been at the center of a global debate. Given its relationship to energy utilization, it is important to gain a better understanding of what truly drives climate change. While many now accept man-made climate change as a given, Nersesian (2016) offers a different perspective on the matter. According to Roy L. […]