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Buyer Behavior Application

Title: Buyer Behavior Application
Buyer behavior is at the core of marketing. All marketing programs need to begin with an understanding of why and how consumers buy what they do. If no one purchases a companys product or service, the company will quickly go out of business.
Apply the model of consumer behavior (Exhibit 11 on page 89 of Textbook-Introducing Marketing (which I will provide) to the Healthcare (Weight loss & Nutrition).  Explain how the model affects the purchase process as it relates to the product/service.
Providing a list of the steps or a graphic of the model is not adequate, you should explain how the process works in the real world using your own words supported by research.
You must use Cite the three articles I will provide and then choose 2 more research from Writers findings by conducting online research.  The focus of this assignment is application and critical thinking. Please be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in the third person; this means words like I, we, and you are not appropriate.
Please use APA citations (2-3 sentence introduction, body, 2-3 sentence conclusion).  Two pages

Required reading and should be cited in the Essay:
1.    The impact of visceral influences on consumers’ evaluation of weight-loss advertising
2.    Textbook-Introducing Marketing
3.    A cognitive modeling approach

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