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Biometric security

You are to write a research essay on an approved computer security or privacy topic (see page
3 for a list of approved topics). Your essay must include a work cited page for any information
that you find from at least three sources (your book can count for one source). If you choose to
use internet sources, they must be cited correctly. The specifications for the paper are listed
below. All essays will be run through a plagiarism checking software. If any portion of your
paper is copied directly from an internet source or copied from another student, I will take
action as deemed appropriate according to the Academic Dishonesty portion of your syllabus.
You can submit the paper only once
No late papers will be accepted
The paper must be submitted in a Word, pdf, or GoogleDoc format
Word Document Written Essay
Length: Must be at least 3 full pages but no more than 6 NOT including the cover page
and works cited page (that mean at least 3 pages of written text).
References: You should have at least 3 sources and they need to be referenced
according to APA rules.
Title page: Your header will appear on the first page only (cover page) in the upper-left
header and contain the words Running head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER. Following pages
will only contain the title of your paper in the upper-left section of the header. The
page number should appear in the right section of the header and not appear on the
first page. In addition, the title should appear centered horizontally and vertically on
the page. The title should be your own unique name for your paper, not just the topic
of the essay. Under the title you should have your name and the name of the college.
Font: Times New Roman, 12pt.
Spacing: Double spaced, with no extra spacing between paragraphs
Margins: All margins set to 1
Works Cited Page: This page should appear on a page of its own at the end of the
essay. No separate document or file will be accepted.
No abstract is needed for this paper.

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