So the details of the paper is as follows.
It is a chapter of the dissertation titled as follows:- “Are corporate entities exempted from being criminally liable in Mauritius?”
The title of this specific chapter is in mentioned above in the topic bar ie “different forms of corporate criminal liability” so basically you will have to discusa the various theories on corporate criminal liability. This chapter shall include subchapters which will be : 1.1 vicarious liability 1.2 identification doctrine 1.3 the aggregation model 1.4 the self identity doctrine (corporate culture). These subchapters shall be thoroughly discussed. And also please relate it to the dissertation title also while writing. Donot only write in general please relate it to the title also. Also it should also reflect the situation in Mauritius as well, what laws govern these theories, what is the reasoning behind these theories and how do they apply to Mauritius. Use of case law to back up statements are very much required. Mauritian examples and case laws as well as international ones as a means of comparison.
The work should be original and plagiarism free. Please make use of search engines such as google scholar academia jstor to browse for informations and research papers. Donot refer to sites such as wiki pedia. Reference all the work properly.
Thank you.
Are corporate entities exempted from being criminally liable in Mauritius?