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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your team will be submitting a fully articulated Code of Conduct (you are encouraged to locate examples of Codes of Conduct, in addition to other research necessary to complete this task.)  Your team will also be required to write a one-page rationale, at the beginning of the paper, explaining what components you decided to include, as well as what you decided to leave out and why.  Consider including Ethical Principles and Core Values, Decision Making and the Code of Conduct, Reporting/ Speaking Up, No Retaliation, Equal opportunity, Harassment, Bullying, Conflicts of Interest, Confidentiality and Privacy, Information Technology, and Internet Use, Use of Social Media, etc.Your team will also be required to write a one-page rationale, at the beginning of the paper, explaining what components you decided to include, as well as what you decided to leave out and why. It will be important for someone in your group to capture these decisions/negotiations as the group works together.
Papers will be assessed on the following criteria:

Rationale gives the reader a comprehensive overview of the choices made by the group.
Rationale provides evidence of the group process, illustrating how decisions were negotiated.
References cited in this part add strength to the overall choices made by the group.
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct is comprehensive in nature and all parts are well articulated.
There is evidence in creativity in thought pertaining to how the Code is constructed.
There is a clear relationship between the Code of Conduct and the organization.
References cited strengthen the overall material presented.
Organization & Clarity
Ideas are presented logically and support the overall purpose of the paper.
Paper flows smoothly and ideas are clearly linked to one another.
Documentation and Grammar
Research sources are used to support ideas and add value to the overall presentation.
Paper is professionally written, free of spelling and grammatical errors.
References are properly cited using APA format.

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