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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Textbook Research Paper

Gardners Art Through the Ages: A Global History 16th Edition
ISBN13: 9781337696593

If you have the textbook your odds of getting accepted is high.

Format: MLA
Minimum 2000 Words, plus references.
Quality is valued over quantity, avoid repetitions.
Insert photographs on the last pages.

Mesopotamia and Egypt
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Early Christian Medieval Period
The Gothic Period

Develop a research question you want to answer, or focus on a topic you want to discuss.

For example:
Should the British Museum return ancient artifacts to the country of origin? (pro and contra)
What are the main characteristics of Roman Art in contrast to Romanesque Art? (a discussion on aesthetics)
A Short History of Church Architecture (Show the origins of early churches, until Medieval Churches)

Besides your textbook, you must reference at least 5 different resources, the more the better. Use the library or the internet.

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