you are to write 4-page reflection (APA format) on the experience of creating your Loss History and Relationship Graphs. You are to address the following in your paper:
Describe your Loss History and Relationship Graphs. How are they designed? Explain the use of pictures, photos, symbols, graphics, choice of colors, etc.
Respond to the following reflection questions:
How has grief and loss impacted your life?
What are the themes and patterns you discovered as a result of doing this assignment?
What did you learn about grief and loss from your family-of-origin?
What was meaningful and/or challenging about completing this assignment?
What did you learn about yourself through this assignment?
What was most meaningful for you in completing this project?
Specifically, discuss how would you use the Loss History/Relationship Graph tools with clients experiencing grief or loss?
How might you modify or change the graphs in any way to meet client needs? Be specific about the types of clients whose use of the tool might require modification and provide evidence to support your rationale for the modifications.
What are some ethical considerations to consider when assigning these graph tools to clients? Remember to ground your ethical considerations with specific standards from the ACA Code of Ethics (2014) (Links to an external site.) or the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC, 2004) Code of Ethics. (Links to an external site.)
In your closing, summarize the experience and mention anything else you feel was important for you
Any topic (writer’s choice)