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Analyzing essays

TEXTS1. Ho, Karen. Biographies of Hegemony. The New Humanities Reader, 6th ed., edited by Richard E. Miller and Kurt Spellmeyer, Cengage, 2019, pp. 161-181.2. Wartzman, Rick. The New Face of Capitalism. The New Humanities Reader, 6th ed., edited by Richard E. Miller and Kurt Spellmeyer, Cengage, 2019, pp. 506-520.

In your TAE assignment you discussed how Hos use of key terms such as smartness or elitism, helps to address her argument in Biographies of Hegemony. Her article explores how elitism operates within the financial world and said worlds connections to Ivy League institutions, namely Harvard and Princeton. Rick Wartzmans chapter The New Face of Capitalism explores the rise of Wal-Mart led by its founder Sam Walton, who at his death was the richest man on earth. Both of the articles push against, or at least call into question, the ways in which American values, like meritocracy or democracy are put into practice in the workplace for the sake of upward mobility. By constructing analytical connections between the two texts, respond to the following question: How do employers such as Wall Street and Wal-Mart use the concept of upward mobility to their advantage within a capitalist market?

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