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Comparative Political Economy

1 Instructions
  Please write a one page review essay (fontsize 12, single-line spacing) addressing:
One of the papers or scholars presented in weeks 5-9 of the course.1 OR
One of the readings on the reading list.
Word limit: Please limit your review to between 500 and 1000 words.

2 Learning outcomes
The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to write a short review essay. A review essay is a form of academic appraisal or criticism in which the contribution of a book, article, scholar or some other piece of work is described and analyzed based on its content, place in an intellectual debate, and overall merit.

3 Elements and issues to consider
In your review essay, you should consider the following issues.2
1. Briefly summarize the key ideas and arguments of the scholar/article.
2. Think about the contribution of the argument to the academic literature.
3. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the scholars/articles argument.
4. Consider who might disagree with the argument being made.
5. Is the argument relevant to any contemporary issues or events?
6. Are there any issues left outstanding that still need to be resolved? If so, what are these?

4 Grade
  The maximum grade for the assignment will be 100 points.
  This assignment will constitute 30 (thirty) percent of your overall grade.

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