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Foster care children’s education

Find 5 sources that help  to explore the causes and/or effects of a specific problem, as well as potential solutions for that problem, for the topic you will address  Researched Argument essay. The majority of these sources should be scholarly sources found in the librarys databases. Additionally, you may use the Internet to search, but limit those sources to the most credible and authoritative sources you can find, and complete a Source Evaluation form for each Internet source you use. Further instructions: Create an annotated bibliography of sources related to your general topic.

Visit the Vol State Library databases

Find sources that are varied, scholarly, and meet the standards of high quality. Do not use Wikipedia or any other non-scholarly website or materials.

Read articles relevant to your topic, and choose five for this project.

The items should be in alphabetical order.

Each item should begin with the MLA-style citation for each source. Under that, write an annotation that does the following:

Discusses whether this is a primary or secondary source. Is the source presenting original ideas or data (a primary source), or is it presenting other people’s work and using it as support for the writer’s own argument (a secondary source)?

Describes the key issues discussed in the source.

Notes the positions the writer takes on the issue.

Evaluates the quality of the source, including the types of arguments and evidence used, the type of publication, etc.

Assesses the author or authors’ credentials. This might require additional research.

Considers how you may be able to use this source in your upcoming Researched Argument essay.

Each annotation should be one or two substantial paragraphs.

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