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Critique of the laboratory practicals

Critique of the laboratory practicals (~1100 words), i.e. about ~ 500 words per session.
–    Please, you should write up the laboratory paper in a formal manner that consists of two sections.
–    ONE experiment from Practical session 1 and ONE experiment from Practical session 2.
–    Critique the experiment and the outcomes, and you should also answer the questions associated with the given experiment.
–    Please keep the structure of the paper in a good way and clear.

Section 1 (write ~ 550 words):
You can choose one experiment, either Manufacture of strobes OR Manufacture of Nickel Aluminides.

The experimental critique should consist of a document that contains the following:
Brief introduction (This should comprise of a short one-paragraph introduction).

Critique of manufacturing method (not the persons ability to do it, though).
– More clarification for this point (Use the information from the practical sheets and the videos to critique the process; what is good? What could be improved? Etc. The videos are based upon the practical sheets.

Critique of the functioning pyrotechnic in relation to its manufacture.
– More clarification for this point (How did the final pyrotechnic function (the burning video)? How does the manufacturing process affect the final functioning of the pyrotechnics?

Thoughts on how to move it to bulk manufacture.
– More clarification for this point (in “laboratory” manufacture, i.e., making a single device in a research laboratory. What might you need to transfer that to an industrial scale? i.e. making thousands of them)


Answers to associated questions given in the (laboratory handbook) on:
o Critique of experimental methods and materials (Lab practical script 1)
– Please find the attachment to work on section 1 (Lab practical script 1).

Section 2 (write ~ 550 words):
You have to write about one experiment which is Manufacture of Coloured Smokes #2

The experimental critique should consist of a document that contains the following:
Brief introduction (This should comprise of a short one-paragraph introduction).

Critique of manufacturing method (not the persons ability to do it, though).
– More clarification for this point (Use the information from the practical sheets and the videos to critique the process; what is good? What could be improved? Etc. The videos are based upon the practical sheets.

Critique of the functioning pyrotechnic in relation to its manufacture.
– More clarification for this point (How did the final pyrotechnic function (the burning video)? How does the manufacturing process affect the final functioning of the pyrotechnics? The performance of the final product.

Thoughts on how to move it to bulk manufacture
– More clarification for this point (in “laboratory” manufacture, i.e., making a single device in a research laboratory. What might you need to transfer that to an industrial scale? i.e. making thousands of them)


Answers to associated questions given in the (laboratory handbook) on:
o Critique of experimental methods and materials (Lab practical script 2)
–    Please find the attachment to work on section 1 (Lab practical script 2)

–    Remember, if you use diagrams, to label your diagrams and any tables that you may wish to include and cite accordingly within the text.

Please make sure to do the paper as:
–    Clarity of description
–    Understanding of manufacturing method
–    Analysis of results of tests
–    Discussion of functioning in relation to manufacture

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