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Delegation, Prioritization and Time Management Issued in Nursing: Getting the Most from your Team

PowerPoint Presentation Due at the end of week 7 – is designed to address professional aspects of nursing that impact nursing practice, leadership, management, education, and healthcare delivery trends. Created as a group project, the PPT development will allow the opportunity for you to experience preparation and teaching to each of your peers. You will be assigned a group and course-related topic by faculty.  Your group will collaborate to complete an informative presentation using PowerPoint or equivalent compatible software which will be uploaded to Canvas for your classmates to view; all presentations will be available as part of the review for the final exam.  Presentations should be at least 15- 20 minutes in length, not to exceed 30 minutes and must include at least 3 references to support your information (one must be your textbook). All references must be less than or equal to five years old and must be included as the last slide of your presentation using proper APA formatting.

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