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Exercise 1

Exercise 1

Please read “End of Bureaucracy” article attached
Please read “Power Play” – https://hbr.org/2010/07/power-play

The article The End of Bureaucracy describes Haiers design. You are to look at this design from the perspective of three topics weve covered to date: structure, power & politics, and organizational culture. You arent expected to include material on managing work teams or conflict and negotiation in your answers.
Format: Double spaced, type about the size of this one.
Length: Four to six pages
1) Structure [34 points]
Start with a discussion of Haiers design from the perspective of the organizational structure lecture (limit yourself to the discussion of organizational types). This should be relatively easy because the articles set up of discussion of Haiers structure ties in nicely with the lecture. Explain your answers.
Follow-up with a discussion of Haiers structure in terms of the issues raised and the recommendations provided in the readings on organizational structure. Are the issues relevant? If they are: Does Haiers design resolve them, make them worst, have no effect on them? Are the recommendations made incorporated into Haiers design? If not, should they be? Explain your answers.
2) Power [33 points]
Start with a discussion of Haiers design from the perspective of the power in organizations lecture (do not consider politics). Does its design influences distribution of power within the organization? Does the design depend on differences in power to work? Explain your answers.
Follow-up with a discussion of Haiers design in terms of the issues raised and the recommendations provided in the readings on power. Are the issues relevant? If they are: Does Haiers design resolve them, make them worst, have no effect on them? Are the recommendations made incorporated into Haiers design? If not, should they be? Explain your answers.
3) Organizational culture [33 points]
Start with a discussion of Haiers design from the perspective of the organizational culture lecture. Do you think that its design influences the organizational culture? Does the design depend on Haiers culture to work?
Follow-up with a discussion of Haiers design in terms of the issues raised and the recommendations provided in the readings on organizational culture. Are the issues relevant? If they are: Does Haiers design resolve them, make them worst, have no effect on them? Are the recommendations made incorporated into Haiers design? If not, should they be? Explain your answers.

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