For this assignment, think about what conflict script you learned in your family? Think back to your childhood and adolescence and try to remember rules for conflict that your family modeled implicitly and principles of conflict that your family explicitly endorsed. Please address each of the following points:Did people disagree openly with each other?What was said when disagreements surfaced? Did your parents suggest that it was rude to argue?Did they encourage open discussion of differences? Were there any rules for how to argue?What happened if disagreements were dealt with directly? Was the conflict resolved? What was the climate in the family like after the conflict?How do you currently reflect on your familys conflict script? Now that you can edit family scripts and author your own, how would you like to deal with conflict?Students are expected to produce a 5 page paper with at least 5 citations from human services related journals. When citing the literature, follow APA style.
Any topic (writer’s choice)

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