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Modern Diplomacy: The Northwest Passage

*contain a brief summary of what the Northwest passage is
*provide insight on the beneficial impacts it would have on a global scale.
*provide reasons for modern diplomatic grievances and solutions
*Reasons that would concern major key states involved, States such as Canada, The United States and Russia to name a few.

The main area of interest should surround Canada as to the benefits of being on the successful side the seeing a future in the Northwest passage. Areas covered will range from:
    Global Rites to passage
    Environmental Concerns
    State Security/ Sovereignty
    Financial abilities
    Transportation/ Logistical abilities.
explore areas to attain an in-depth view on most of the questions that might come to mind after light has been given on the Northwest passage.

4 references

    Barston, R. P. (2019). Modern diplomacy. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    International Negotiations and Conflict Resolution. (2020). Retrieved from: https://books.google.de/books?id=YuXfCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA220&lpg=PA220&dq=new+ocean+pathway+in+north+america+for+trade+route&source=bl&ots=CjDb6ye5Li&sig=ACfU3U2qU69EcS3A7cxCFxCpfXak1ZLVww&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5vbWRssDnAhVuTRUIHf9EBdoQ6AEwAHoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=new%20ocean%20pathway%20in%20north%20america%20for%20trade%20route&f=false

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