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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Research critique paper Students will choose a topic/ patient situation from the provided list in the course. Students should format a PICO question based on the chosen scenario to guide the search. The PICO question should be included in the introduction to the paper to indicate the problem that the student will address. Students will search the Wellehan Library for evidence based articles based upon the chosen topic. These articles will be used to create a table of evidence. The paper should consist of a thorough review of the literature with the table of evidence used as an appendix. Students should also include a discussion on how the literature can be applied to the patient situation using the information in the Greenhalgh text. The paper should be set up in paragraph format and flow smoothly.
The PICO question is : In female obese patients with PCOS is gastric bypass surgery a better/healthier choice compared to diet and exercise for weight loss

You should have an introduction to the paper that includes your PICO question. You can include a paragraph on what was done for the search strategy. Then the next part should be a summary of the articles used- this summary should include the results and any limitations of the study. The next section should be the application of what you researched to the chosen scenario patient. Be as detailed and descriptive as possible. Then you should have a conclusion to sum everything up.
You also need to have a strong PICO to guide your research. Otherwise you can easily get off track. Remember the PICO is:
P- population
I- intervention
C- comparison
O- outcome

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